Nov 11, 2014

The older you get, the wiser you become


I've been wanting to write about this last week but I was occupied with other important stuffs at the moment. So, tonight is probably a good time to write before I start revising Orthopedics.

As time passes by, my view on social network media such as facebook and twitter has begun to change. Furthermore, I begin to dislike any unnecessary interaction or post/ tweet on facebook/ twitter. What are the unnecessary interactions or posts/ tweets? I will get back to them later. 

To be honest, I never signed up for any social network on my own. I signed up for facebook and twitter because of my friends asked me to ( peer pressure). Therefore, I have facebook account since my pre university year and twitter while I was in 1st year medical school. Let's start with facebook first, shall we? Facebook is a great media to trace back your long long lost friends, add new friends and to update or share every single event of your life by posting status and photos.  After posting status or photos, of course..I have a slight hope for someone to interact with me. Oh well, the need to be heard something like that( Le sigh..). Other than that, it's also a place to stalk people "Uuu she's going to Japan for holiday" " Oh my god cantik and pandai nya dia ni!!!" "Oh my she's getting married?!"( yes, I was one of them who kept on jumping here and there while I was on online. Such a great way to waste my time). And lastly, it's an important media to circulate any news, share lecturers' slide and past years among members of batch group. Back then, I had fun facebook-ing until I didn't manage to pass my first year exam. I begun to isolate myself because I believe that was the darkest moment of my life ( up until that time).Hence, I deactivated my facebook as soon after I got my result.

And then, I switched to twitter at the end of my first year. I loved it because it keeps me updated with things I followed and my circle of friends is limited as compared to facebook ( more privacy I supposed). I love the fact that how fast breaking news spreads on twitter. For example, I knew the heartbreaking news of MH17  from it. The stalking people thing is still there ( whether intentionally or unintentionally). A lot of dramas I witnessed and I wish I didn't know about it but I couldn't because my mind simply connect the dots from every interaction of people I knew on my timeline. This is what I call stalking unintentionally.

Okay, now back to the main points. As I said before, my view on these two social networks has changed. Now, facebook is there because I need info from the batch group and other groups ( mostly to receive any wedding invitations from my dearest friends) . I keep twitter to read news, daily reminders and.. a dose of 9gag! teehee. No more posting status or tweet about my feelings because it's's unnecessary. I have my parents, siblings  and best friends whom I can straight away call or whatsapp . If I want to have a dinner with a particular person, just call..don't need to waste time by mentioning his/her name on twitter and let the whole world know about my plan. The worst part is when a third person join the conversation by saying " fine..tak hajak!" And that deserves a..

When I scrolled my twitter time line, I begin to wonder. When a person complained about..for example " I'm having a bad migraine today..( insert sad teary emoticon) " she really having migrane or has it already subsided because she can tweet?  Another example is..letting out your anger on twitter. Honestly, by the time you  tweet about how angry/ tidak puas hati you are at the moment, that angry feeling has already subsided slowly. Don't you think?  These are the unnecessary things I got from scrolling/stalking my timeline. I know at some point, this stalking secara tak sengaja has to be stopped by unfollow/ mute them for my own goodness. I know some people have different views on this. Mind you, I'm not against people who love to tweet or post status on facebook. it's just that..think before you tweet or post your status. It reflects your personality.  I know I once posted status/ tweeted like a girl who was severely brain hypoxic but it's not too late to change. The older you get the wiser you become. InsyaAllah.

Oh I forget. Limit your stalking activity  to  family and bestfriends because that's an act of care.


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